Boyle's In the Brown Stuff

Friday, April 24, 2009

Its official - Susan Boyle got a makeover.
Boyle, 47, had her graying, frizzy hair dyed
chestnut brown and styled for reportedly $50 dollars.

The singer, who was seen earlier this week in
a new dress and black leather jacket, showed off
another chic ensemble -- topped with a Burberry scarf --
outside her home in Blackburn, Scotland.

Earlier this week - Susan with a
lightweight leather jacket and
a purple printed frock .

New look - Susan this morning

Undercover - Susan with shawl

Hairdo - Susan with her sister


RiRa said...

u and israq kadng2x post the same thing...dah mcm

Miss Zahidah Zakaria said...

Susan Boyle got a makeover?
good for her ;)

salam singgah ;)

Anonymous said...

the woman shut simon up


Hilman Heall Zainal said...

overnight sensation!
i dont knoe how long it last...
guess we hav to wait n see.

syafiq duckie said...

@namkhir, haha really?i tak perasan pun!

syafiq duckie said...

@miss zaza, sila2.singgah la selalu!

@pesawat, indeed!

syafiq duckie said...

@iman, u are so right!skrg ni je panas.lepas ni tak tau la kan.