4th July - 31st August!
so as usual,
Mega sales is back.
last saturday and gonna end on August.
so aku pun keluar la last saturday
after work around 2pm,met with
nina and then around 4 with my other
besties!we went to
Pavillion, just to window shopping!
what to do,
takda duit nak beli.tgk je la!mcm nak gila ok.
sales sana sini, semua nak beli. tapi
satu apa pun tak mampu!haih!menganga je la then.
none of us did purchase anything!the girls sempat la jugak
try sana sini, baju, kasut and all!
tapi yeah, we never did purchase anything!
berangan je.
so after all, we decided to
watch movie! and we manage to catch
8pm movie, which is
Last House on the Left!i wanted to watch
Ice Age 3, but majority rules! what i have in my mind
before the movie startedis that,
its gonna be lame boring movie!bunch of teenagers
get lost in jungle and one by one
get murdered and all!
but i was wrong!that movie was great!i enjoyed it so much!
i suggest you too go and watch it!thriller gila weh!

orang ramai, launching mega sale!

While the mums sibuk rebut kasut, kesian budak2
ni terbiar!hahaha.

mampu cuba dan lihat je la!haih=/

Meet.... Shaker!
p/s: btw terserempak dgn Shaker!omg i get a very
tight warm hug!ye la lama gila tak jumpa!
rindu bangat! go to see you buddy!